Politics and Legislations
Why Motorcycle Accident Emergency Room Bills Are So High
Let's face it. Motorcycle Accidents result in far more serious injuries than Automobile Accidents. This fact is the source of the common belief that riding motorcycles is dangerous and life threatening, and that anyone who rides is suicidal. Worse, this leads to beliefs that cause horrible discrimination against riders. I want to talk about something that involves discrimination against riders, and that costs motorcycle riders a lot of money when they need to go to the emergency room after a... Read more
New CHP Lane Splitting Guidelines
Early 2013, The California Highway Patrol (CHP) announced new lane splitting guidelines on www.chp.ca.gov. Their list of safety tips is really more specific than “general” as it gives you a technical definition of what lane splitting is, before even getting into lane splitting “best practices”. As defined by the CHP, “the term lane splitting, sometimes known as lane sharing, filtering or white-lining, refers to the process of a motorcyclist riding between lanes of stopped or slower mo... Read more